
Kirjoja hyllystämme
asiasana kirjallisuudentutkimus

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kirjallisuudentutkimus, sivu 3

Rayfield, Donald. Anton Chekhov : A life
Evanston, IL : Northwestern University Press, 2000. 674 s.
Rayfield, Donald. Chekhov : The evolution of his art
London : Paul Elek, 1975. 266 s.
Rayfield, Donald. Understanding Chekhov : A critical study of Chekhov's prose and drama
Madison, WI : The University of Wisconsin Press, 1999. 295 s.
Simmons, Ernest J. Chekhov : A biography
London : Jonathan Cape, 1963. 669 s.
Troyat, Henri. Anton Tšehov
Tchekhov (1984). Suom. Irene Sorsa. Porvoo ; Helsinki ; Juva : WSOY, 1987. 368 s.
Urban, Peter. Anton Čechov : Sein Leben in Bildern
Zürich : Diogenes, 1987. 352 s.
Urban, Peter. Čechov Chronik : Daten zu Leben und Werk
2. painos. Zürich : Diogenes, 2004. 472 s.
Winner, Thomas. Chekhov and his prose
2. painos. New York ; Chicago ; San Fransisco : Holt, Rineheart and Winston, 1967. 263 s.

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